25th and 26th November 2017
9.30-5pm. Various locations. Schedule below.
Drop in.
You walked. You shared what mattered to you. You imagined what you’d do in a future Castle Gateway. You wrote on post it notes and posted on social media.
We are now able to share the Masterplan ideas for the future of the Castle Gateway area. Join us for our launch event. We will be moving around each of the areas of Castle Gateway. In each location we will be sharing the ideas and documenting your responses to feedback into the masterplanning process. Your feedback will inform a preferred Castle Gateway masterplan which will go to the City of York Council Executive in February.
What’s happening on 25th and 26th November?
Throughout the weekend, there will be two strands. You can do both or pick the one that suits you best.
Imagination: You will be guided to explore the masterplan ideas. You will imagine these alternatives and identify which of the proposed changes would most encourage you spend time in the area in the future. In collaboration with Coaching York.
Nuts and Bolts: You will be able to understand the masterplan ideas, identify your priorities and debate how the ideas should be delivered.
Alongside these strands we’ll be joined by community groups and heritage organisations who have got specific knowledge of, and ideas for, the future Cattle Gateway. They’ll offer mini-talks, tours and workshops.
Saturday 25th 9am – 11:30am
Tower Gardens and New Walk plus the Ouse riverside
Based at Tower Gardens riverside
In collaboration with the Environment Agency
Saturday 25th 12:00 – 2:30pm
The Foss from the Blue Bridge up to Piccadilly
Based at the Foss riverfront adjacent to Raindale Mill. Access via the Car Park end of the Female Prison. You’ll be welcomed by a guide!
In collaboration with York Museums Trust, Foss River Society, York Wild Swim, the Environment Agency and York Past and Present
Saturday 25th 3:00 – 5:30pm
St.George’s Fields and its boundaries, plus the gyratory and the Skeldergate bridge junction
Based at the Skeldergate Bridge pedestrian exit
Sunday 26th 12:30 – 5:00pm
Sunday 26th 9:30 – 12:00
Piccadilly and the Coppergate Centre
Based at Piccadilly outside Spark site
Sunday 26th 12:30 – 5:00pm
The (broadly defined) Eye of York, including Castle car park and Clifford Street
Based in front of the Female Prison part of the Castle Museum
In collaboration with Historic England and York Past and Present
How else can I feed in?
25th and 26th November is just our launch event. There will be lots of chances to feed into the process, both online and in person.
For further details of the ideas and be notified all events join our mailing list.
Keep in touch via Twitter or via My Castle Gateway Facebook page
Join the discussion on the My Castle Gateway Facebook group
Follow our project post its and photographs on Instagram and on Flickr.
Email: mycastlegateway@gmail.com