Our last blog was in November after an Executive Meeting which considered the future of the Castle Gateway scheme. We wanted to update you on the work that has been done since that meeting and also about the next steps for the project. We hope that you find it helpful.
Redesign of Castle Car Park Area
1.1 Background
In February 2022, the council submitted a planning application for a new public space at the Castle and Eye of York, the heart of the masterplan. The design was informed by extensive engagement with residents and businesses about what they want to see in the area.
Two funding bids which sought to deliver the public realm around Clifford’s Tower and the Eye of York have been unsuccessful, so there is a significant funding gap for the previous project.
1.2 New approach
At the Executive in November 2023 recommendations were approved for the next steps of the Castle Gateway project, to align these with the new Council Plan.
In respect of the Castle Car Park and the Eye of York, we are commencing work with BDP to amend the submitted planning application in line with the recommendations of the Executive which were to:
- provide a flexible green space which includes children’s play provision
- retain the 30 blue badge parking spaces on Castle Car Park (position and access point to be confirmed)
- focus on reducing capital and management costs
We are still seeking planning permission for the whole site with the red line boundary of the planning application staying the same, but there is a need to phase the delivery due to reduced funding being available to bring forward the scheme.
Phase 1 is illustrated by the blue line on the plan below, and includes:
- the current Castle Car Park area
- motte expansion/ circular path

Blue line: Castle Car Park/ Eye of York Phase one boundary
We are very much committed to bring forward the whole scheme but through a phased approach, as funding options become available.
We will continue to work with partners/ stakeholders and will consider key elements from the original masterplan principles, the Council Plan and Our City Centre vision (ref. Annex C of the November Executive report), and the My Castle Gateway New Public Spaces Open Brief informed by extensive engagement into the redesign.
1.3 Timeline 2024
- March – review layout and concept designs for the phase one area
- May/ June – public engagement to test revised layouts/ concept designs
- Summer – work up preferred option into a detailed design for phase one
- Late 2024 – submit revised planning application
- Early 2025 -report full business case to the council’s Executive prior to commencing delivery. Castle Car Park will only close when a revised business case and planning application has been approved for delivery.
Links to masterplan
The next steps for St George’s Field car park, and a new Foss bridge and riverside park behind the Castle Museum were also approved at the Executive meeting in November 2023 as part of the wider masterplan.
St George’s Field car park
- Background: A multi-storey car park on St George’s Field gained planning approval in 2021.
- Executive agreed: That the council will not build a multi storey car park as it does not represent value for money and agreed to develop proposals which balance: improved parking capacity; pedestrian and cycle connectivity; and coach drop off facilities within a surface level layout.
- Update: Work is underway to review the layout
Foss bridge and riverside park
- Background: The Castle Mills planning approval (Dec 2020) included new apartments, a new riverside park, pedestrian and cycle links and a new Foss bridge.
- Executive agreed: To pause work on the approved planning application for Castle Mills and asked Officers to:
- investigate appropriate meanwhile use options whilst exploring longer term opportunities for the future delivery of 100% affordable housing on this Council owned site.
- progress work to deliver the pedestrian/cycle links to the rear of the Castle Museum including a new bridge connecting over the River Foss to Piccadilly separately from any development on Castle Mills(subject to confirmation of external West Yorkshire Combined Authority funding and approvals). This will deliver sustainable travel links and city centre connectivity in accordance with the Local Transport Strategy and the wider aims of the Castle Gateway masterplan.
- Update: The original planning permission has now expired. Work is underway to re-submit the bridge and riverside park elements (but not the apartments) to align with Castle Car Park resubmission in late 2024.
Our next blog will be published after the Mayoral Combined Authority election in May and will consider the public engagement work and information as to how you can get involved.
I disagree with the proposal for 30 car park spaces (blue badge holders), as a medieval site such as this should NOT have any car parking. Why can’t blue badge holders park in the Coppergate car park? I look forward to the proposals for cycle access across the Foss coming to fruition.
I look forward to following progress.
can you ensure the children’s play area is not within earshot of the Crown Court. I do not want a mother giving evidence about finding her husband raping her 12 year old child with a background of laughing and shouting children causing her to be asked to repeat things. Please always remember York Crown Court is a working building dealing with human tragedy and not a museum.
Perhaps the plan needs to also consider how the court buildings can be sympathetically upgraded to be fit for 21st century used with disabled access, sound proofing and videoconferencing for appropriate cases?
I wonder if the disabled parking requirement could be met by additional spaces being created on Tower Street (assuming both entry/exit roads are no longer needed) and the conversion of restricted (1hr) parking on Cumberland St, Lower Friargate and Peckett St. to disabled parking?
Perhaps the plan needs to also consider how the court buildings can be sympathetically upgraded to be fit for 21st century used with disabled access, sound proofing and videoconferencing for appropriate cases?
I welcome new proposals for the reuse of the Castle Car Park. The number of BBH spaces should be increased.
The proposed new Foss bridge lacks any elegance and is an ugly bridge to nowhere. It should be deleted.
The court should be moved to a new modern purpose built building.