Planning Committee 19 November
Last week the Planning Committee deferred the decision on the St George’s Field Car Park. We are awaiting the formal reasons for the deferral from planning, but our understanding that they include further justification for the volume of and need for replacement parking, including the number of disabled spaces, and the council’s conservation architect to attend the meeting, to discuss their concerns over the solar canopy.
The absence of the conservation architect also meant the committee felt the Castle Mills application could not be discussed and this matter was also deferred.
The webcast of the 19/11/2020 meeting can be viewed via: https://www.york.gov.uk/webcasts
Castle Mills
The Castle Mills planning application is ready to be considered at the next available planning committee, and is set to be determined on Thursday 3 December.
You can view the planning committee agenda, papers and register to take part at: https://democracy.york.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=132&MId=12455
The live webcast will be able to be viewed on 3 December or on demand after via: https://www.york.gov.uk/webcasts
St George’s Field
The City of York Council’s planning committee asked for more information for St George’s Field multi-storey car park and so will determine this planning application at a later date.
New government instructions are that councils should undertake development that includes shared surfaces for cyclists and pedestrians. So a redesign is required. The bridge design remains highly inappropriate. A cable-stay bridge (like Hungate) would be so much better.
Error: not undertake development with shared cycle and pedestrian routes.
The St Georges Field 5 Storey MSCP is a huge mistake if it goes ahead. It will harm heritage and be very unpopular. Most people hate MSCPs and the City has half empty car parks. Why build more when you have enough? We need to invest in a greener future with less cars.